Experience in Brief:
I had joined the M.B.B.S in Dec 1981 at G.S.V.M. Medical College, Kanpur and completed in April 1987 with passing all professional examinations attempt General Surgery training started in May 1998 at G.S.V.M. Medical College, Kanpur. During three year of the residency period, I had assisted/performed all major Gastrointestinal (including Hepato-biliary), Urological procedures and also had speciality postings viz. Neurosurgery, Plastic surgery, surgical Oncology & colorectal surgery.
The cardiothoracic experience started with senior Residency in Thoracic Surgery Unit at G.S.V.M. Medical college, Kanpur from May 1991-Feb 1992. In March 1992, I had joined M.Ch. program in cardiothoracic surgery at L.P.S. Institute of Cardiology Kanpur During two years of Residency training, I had assisted/performed various cardiac (open heart & closed heart), Thoracic, Vascular & Oesophageal surgical procedures. During M.Ch. training, I had spent one month as Observer at Institute of Cardio Vascular Disease, Madras Medical Mission, Chennai under the guidance of Prof. K.M. Cherian.
I am working with Apollo Hospital from March 1994, Hyderabad after completing M.Ch in various positions viz. Senior Registrar (2 years) Junior Consultant (4 years), Consultant (5 years) & Senior Consultant (9 years). I had worked as an observer at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney in 1997. During the last 27 years, I had had the experience of 27000 cardiothoracic procedures which includes a wide spectrum of Cardiac, Thoracic, Vascular & Esophageal Surgery.
The Individual surgical experience includes a wide range of coronary, vascular & congenital heart surgeries. I have a special inclination for
Career objective
To Establish a Cardiovascular & Thoracic surgical unit of repute with strong interest towards Endovascular, Minimal access & Robotic surgery.
Surgical Experience in Details
During the last 27 years, I have been associated with more than 28000 cardiothoracic procedures which include the wide varieties of Cardiac, Thoracic, Vascular & Esophageal procedures. The independent surgical experience now covers more than 8000 Cardio-Thoracic procedures.
91-89772 81162
Click here to book an Appointment in Whatapp 91-89772 81162
Endo Vascular Surgery – workshop attended at
Pediatric Surgery
Congenital heart surgery – specimen & surgery at Sydney Oct 1997.
Basic Laparoscopic Surgery Training – certificate course.
(Catheterization & Cardiovascular diagnosis, 43:43 – 47 ;1998)
Paper Presentation: